It’s Time to Fix the Hole in the Wall

Okay, that tiny hole in the wall your dog made has needed a patch for several weeks. You’ve been meaning to look in the toilet tank for a while because you always have to jiggle the handle to get it to stop running. You have a project at work whose deadline is fast approaching, yet you’ve not typed a single word.

If this is the case, then yes, you have been procrastinating. But don’t worry—you’re not alone. So many of us put things off for long periods of time. I find myself doing this often, and I realize that this is not the best practice and certainly not conducive to productivity. Is there any fix to this problem?

Yes, there is. I’ve found it to be a quick and straightforward fix. However, it does require a bit of effort. The biggest delay for me in getting a task done is the act of getting started. I can stare at that hole in my wall (courtesy of my dog) for weeks or even months, and it won’t change a bit. It turns out that, for me, the rate-limiting step is just breaking free from my inertia regarding the task and starting to work on it. Before beginning, it seems like it will take a great deal of toiling to get it done, leading to my procrastination. However, it becomes much more manageable once I have decided to begin and have committed to it. My inertia quickly gives way to increasing momentum; I get “into the zone,” and voilà—the task is done!

I can get stuck on anything, from fixing things around the house to writing a blog post. While thinking about these uncompleted tasks, they seem so difficult. It turns out that all I need to do is commit and say, “Okay, I’m going to get started on this right now.” Everything is much simpler once I make this declaration and act on it. Please don’t misunderstand; I may very well encounter obstacles and challenges along the way. But since I’ve got momentum on my side, I just go with the flow and am able to work through whatever hurdles I face.

So, look at that hole in the wall and declare to yourself that today is the day you are going to repair it. Then, drive to your neighborhood hardware store and get moving. You will feel so much better for it.

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